Re: 404 Re: Comments on the Triple Patterns Fragments draft

Ruben Verborgh:
>> "The 4xx (Client Error) class of status code indicates that the client
>> seems to have erred."
>> An empty page or fragment is (normally) not a result of an error. Any
>> 4xx code therefore is (normally) inappropriate.
> Depends on how you look at it.
> Client: "Give me the fragment with selector ?x rdf:type ex:Alien."
> Server: "You asked for something that didn't exist. That's an error."
> In other words, 4xx errors are those that only a client can fix.
> And indeed, the client can fix by asking a different fragment.

Well, I think that it is perfectly legitimate and not erroneous to ask a
server to provide a set of all aliens.

And in this concrete case the server very likely _can_ provide a
non-empty set by using improved SETI techniques !


Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2014 09:34:53 UTC