FW: Potentials Actions - We Think We're Done


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Brickley [mailto:danbri@google.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 10:07 PM
To: Jason Johnson (BING)
Cc: W3C Web Schemas Task Force; Steve Macbeth; Jason Douglas; Sam Goto; Alexander Shubin; Peter Mika; Ramanathan Guha
Subject: Re: Potentials Actions - We Think We're Done

On 7 April 2014 18:32, Jason Johnson (BING) <jasjoh@microsoft.com> wrote:
> The Schema.org team invite final comment review on our latest design for Potential Actions.
> We think we're done - please take a look.

We think we're even more done now!

Thanks everyone for your attention and advice on this - much
appreciated. I have just uploaded a document with revisions addressing
feedback received on the 'final review' document. The 'status of this
document' section summarises the changes and is copied below. The most
substantive improvement is that we have moved away from using an
'action' property and instead introduce 'potentialAction', which takes
some pressure off of the actionStatus construct.

-> https://www.w3.org/wiki/images/1/10/PotentialActionsApril11.pdf

This is now an implementation target. A test build of schema.org
including the Potential Action vocabulary is at
http://sdo-actions.appspot.com/Action - we'll add examples asap.



changes since 2014-04-07 version:

1. Revised the actionStatus mechanism. Instead of an all purpose
'action' property (inverse of 'object'), we use 'potentialAction' for
actions that are potential. This removes the need to specify a default
actionStatus and clarifies that potential action descriptions serve as

2. We introduce a 'target' property that indicates an EntryPoint,
instead of overloading 'url' for this purpose. Using a dedicated
property also allows for clearer documentation, without complicating
the description of 'url'.

3. Several commentators noted that  ProtocolElement added no value, so
we have removed it.

4. Changed Entrypoint to EntryPoint (several people thought the
lowercase spelling was a mistake).

5. This version introduces an httpMethod property for EntryPoint.

6. Added an urlTemplate property to EntryPoint, to more clearly
distinguish URLs from URL Templates.

7. Renamed the three ActionStatusType types from PotentialAction,
ActiveAction, CompletedAction to PotentialActionStatus,
ActiveActionStatus, CompletedActionStatus. This clarifies that these
are not classes of Action, and avoids having 'potentialAction' and
'PotentialAction' names differ only by case.

8. Replaced the '/' character used for '/input', '/output' with '-',
i.e. 'xyz/input' becomes 'xyz-input'. This addresses a concern that
such property names can't be serialized in W3C RDF/XML format, as well
as making these annotations more distinct from other kinds of
schema.org extension.

Received on Friday, 11 April 2014 20:26:22 UTC