Re: Let's get started

Hi all,

I'm Stu.  I've followed JSON-LD with great interest and am using it in my early prototypes of a web data & action integration library.      This is has been something I've been noodling with for years as a hobby - my paid job has often gotten in the way of this, but it's something I'd like to ramp up now.

ONe of the areas of experimentation I am working on is a way of describing actions for interoperability - fixing the incompatible "Like" link, for example.   Hydra seems like a good stab at this, and so I'm here to contribute what I can. 

To understand where I'm coming from, I have a dormant blog on various topics, Stu Says Stuff, here:

This had garnered some REST-community attention over the years, and led me to give the keynote at WS-REST workshop at WWW 2011 on "The Write Side of the Web"

And was followed up with a keynote at RESTfest 2012 on Linking Data and Actions on the Web:

When I have some reasonable code / services to show what I'm doing with Hydra, I'll share it with you here to discuss anything I think could be improved or if I found I needed to extend something for my use case.   Also happy to chat with others about their uses & ways to evolve it.

Stu Charlton @svrc

Received on Thursday, 25 July 2013 10:44:17 UTC