elements of metric spaces in HTML

Hi all,

Probably it is not well known that metric spaces provide powerful means for indirect (weighted, quantitative) linking,
see Fig. 4 of http://numericsearch.com/wwdomainspaces.pdf.

To use these means, it seems most efficient to insert the quantitative data (the vectors of a metric space) directly in HTML (with minimal syntax as identified numbers), so that later people can click in their browser on a (as vector) marked text part (like a click on a hyperlink) and a table opens which shows the associated quantitative data and further information about the space, also search links (e.g. similarity search). The order and format of the table can be determined by the definition of the space. This definition can be done also in standardized HTML in a file (with HTTP URL) somewhere else on the web.

HTML experts and all other who are interested in this (and in searchable quantitative data) are invited to join
and to contribute. Comments and questions are welcome.

Thank you

Wolfgang Orthuber

Received on Saturday, 6 December 2014 19:33:23 UTC