Weekly github digest (HTML specs)

* w3c/html-aam (+1/-1/💬10)
  1 issues created:
  - Outline naming for contendediable elements (by scottaohara)

  5 issues received 10 new comments:
  - #160 Consider prohibiting author naming certain elements (6 by dd8, scottaohara, carmacleod)
  - #45 [HTML AAM] Mapping of 'form' element to ARIA 'form' role should only be done when element has a label (1 by scottaohara)
    https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/45 [AAM V2] 
  - #155 Should this repo use aria-common css and js (1 by scottaohara)
  - #188 Remove/update menuitems and menu (1 by scottaohara)
    https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/188 [AAM] 
  - #190 Cleanup head / linking resources (1 by scottaohara)
    https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/190 [editorial] 

  1 issues closed:
  - Should this repo use aria-common css and js https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/155 

Pull requests
* w3c/html-aam (+1/-0/💬4)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Update UIA mappings for ins and del (by melanierichards)

  1 pull requests received 4 new comments:
  - #206 Update UIA mappings for ins and del (4 by marcoscaceres, melanierichards, LJWatson)

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/html
* https://github.com/w3c/html-aam
* https://github.com/w3c/html-aria
* https://github.com/w3c/html-extensions
* https://github.com/w3c/html-landscape
* https://github.com/w3c/html-reference
* https://github.com/w3c/aria-in-html

Received on Monday, 10 June 2019 17:00:32 UTC