Re: I am creating my own standard of HTML with macroses, XInclude, syntax highlighting, etc.

Hello Victor,

Your proposal is in a tradition (that stretches back more than 20 years)  
of suggestions to improve HTML using technologies like RDF and XML.

However, I don't think W3C will take it up.

The main reason is that W3C is actually concerned with developing  
standards that are likely to have a significant uptake (like XML and RDF).  
Your proposal seems unlikely to get major uptake for a few reasons.

The first is that among the Web Developer community who are the core  
source of content that makes browser developers rich, neither XML nor RDF  
are very popular, and they far prefer javascript and the monolithic,  
relatively free-form HTML5 to anything based on XML and in particular on  
namespaces. Forcing a change of how they think about their job on an  
entire industry is really hard, and I don't see that you can offer enough  
value to convince enough people that they should take it up.

Likewise, the most influential browser developers of the last decade are  
all pretty solidly opposed to XHTML, and I don't think you are offering  
enough value to them to change their minds - in part because they would  
have to explain all this to the Web Development industry as part of the  
cost of adoption.

Meanwhile, there is a concrete alternative - the effort to develop "Web  
COmponents", extending HTML by creating new kinds of element and a "shadow  
DOM" that enables new behaviour to be defined. This is already part of  
mainstream HTML.

Anyway, good luck.



On Sun, 15 Dec 2019 20:22:41 +0100, Victor Porton <> wrote:

>   The idea is make an "extension" of XHTML that is:
>   - based on namespaces
>   - extensible by anyone (only need to know programming)
>   - will support macroses and be Turing-complete
>   - replaces both HTML and LaTeX as legacy
>   This should be standardized by W3C. It is possible to create
>      other implementations except of my XML Boiler software.

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