Re: Please comment: Modular HTML or monolith? (esp. regarding Web Components)

On Wed, 06 Apr 2016 01:11:06 +0200, Chaals McCathie Nevile  
<> wrote:

> Hi all,
> TL;DR: Should we move the content of specs like Shadow DOM and Custom  
> Elements into HTML, or continue with the goal of more modular  
> specifications?

Speaking as a participant representing Yandex (not as a co-chair), my  
strong preference is to continue trying to modularise the specs rather  
than incorporate large new chunks into HTML (or DOM, etc).

Given the fundamental nature of how Shadow DOM and Custom Elements  
interact, there need to be hooks in HTML, but those should be kept clean  
and minimal, pointing to separate specs.



Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2016 12:55:04 UTC