Testing update

Hi all,

as mentioned previously[0] the public-html-testsuite people have moved 
the HTML test suite to GitHub[1] and start on reorganising everything.

A short update on the progress:

• We've made good progress on processing the submissions backlog and 
turning them into accepted tests. If your company is one of those listed 
here[2] we'd still like your help in continuing this movement though.

• The new process to provide new tests is to simply fork the repository 
and make a pull request. We've received 30 of those, 22 of which have 
been processed.

• Two of those were from people in the community at large. We're hoping 
to keep spreading the word to make that happen more. With Tobie Langel 
joining W3C to work on testing full time, we expect to very soon have 
the documentation and paraphernalia required to make that happen. The 
TestTWF people are also being very helpful.

• The tests are mirrored on W3C's test server[3].

• We've been working on assessing test coverage in order to know where 
to focus efforts. You can see preliminary results from that[4].

• Note that we now have 11.6K tests for HTML and ~730 for canvas. It's 
not bad but it certainly needs some love and focus over the coming months.

I can't encourage you enough to get involved. If you want to see the CR 
turn into a Rec on schedule, then you should help with the testing. If 
you want to make this the best spec it can be, then you should help with 
the testing. If you're a hacker trying to make a name for her/himself as 
a top notch Web/standards/HTML expert, then testing is one of the best 
ways to get there.

Come and write some tests!

[0] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Dec/0098.html
[1] https://github.com/w3c/html-testsuite/
[2] https://github.com/w3c/html-testsuite/tree/master/old-tests/submission
[3] http://w3c-test.org/html-testsuite/master/
[4] http://w3c-test.org/html-testsuite/master/tools/coverage/

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 14:05:43 UTC