Re: Dropping cues when playbackRate != 1.0

On 08/08/2013 08:21 PM, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> I assume you are talking about a situation where the playback would
> need to jump multiple seconds (call them "s") at a time to achieve the
> speedup. And you are further assuming that when the current time jumps
> from second x to second x+s, there may be a cue that would have both
> their start and end time between x and x+s.
What I was thinking was that we could have a cue that starts within the
skipped time, but should continue to be displayed afterwards. A
sufficiently advanced player may be able to skip bytes without decoding
them, but in that case, it would skip any cues data within those bytes.

It sounds like we don't want to allow that though?

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:58:46 UTC