RE: Fwd: longdesc document for the record

> From: Sam Ruby []
> On 09/21/2012 01:49 PM, Adrian Roselli wrote:
> >> From: Sam Ruby []
> > [...]
> >> Noted.  But as stated previously, the chairs intention to proceed to
> >> survey was put on hold by W3C management, and the plan that
> >> subsequently produced and has the support of PLH and Judy as well as
> >> the four chairs involved grants the A11y TF the authority to publish
> >> a document that defines a long description attribute by whatever name it
> collectively wishes.
> > [...]
> >
> > As I said, I am still coming up to speed with process, history, decisions,
> everyone's names, etc...
> >
> > Is there a public archive (link) of the W3C management decision to stop the
> survey?
> Here's a few links, there may be more but this is a start:

Thanks, Sam, I appreciate the extra effort you are making to accommodate me.




> announce/2012JulSep/0023.html

I only see that the survey was put off until no sooner than 11 September. I understand "no sooner" can mean "End of Days," but I'm not getting that it's on hold indefinitely, let alone until a new process is put in place, from that correspondence.

> Additionally I will share that the 3 HTML WG co-chairs flew to Boston to meet
> with Jeff Jaffe, Tim Berners-Lee, Philippe Le Hegaret, and Judy Brewer.
> Janina participated via phone.
> This plan is the outcome of those discussions:

Thanks. That is also silent on stopping any existing commitments while this new plan is discussed.

> The one thing I want to be careful to note: while Judy and Janina have co-
> signed the plan, neither Jeff nor Tim have signed off on it just yet.
>   It truly is a draft.  I'm keeping track of known items to be worked, and that
> includes at least one known and acknowledged bug.  I would expect that we
> will present a second draft next week.

Thanks again. I look forward to the next draft. I am sure this is not an easy process for you.

Received on Friday, 21 September 2012 18:34:48 UTC