Reopen-request - ISSUE-158

Please consider new my Change Proposal for ISSUE-158: "Content model of 
object should be flow content + interactive content" as a reopen 

Summary: This CP makes the following legal:
    a) <p>Foo <object data=i><p>Bar </p></object></p>
    b) <p><a href=l><object data=i><a href=d>desc</a></object></a>

With regard to b), then note that this CP does *not* permit an anchor 
element to contain *interactive* object (e.g. an image map object), 
because it goes against the rules of the anchor element itself to 
contain interactive content (as a direct child). It is only as "sealed 
off" inside <object> that this CP permits interactive content.

PS: I was in serious doubt about whether to allow nesting of 
interactive content this way, but I concluded that
 a) there were no real technical reasons not to allow it 
 b) it makes the CP more interesting because:
     * it is relevant with regard to the discussion of how e.g. 
       @aria-desceribedby should work.
     * with regard to AT, then it works at least in text browsers
       and could thus perhaps be an alternative - or companion - 
       to both @aria-describedby and @longdesc, for those browsers.
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2012 02:10:05 UTC