RE: FORMAL OBJECTION (was RE: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-204 aria-hidden)

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
> Plenty of lengthy image descriptions and UI instructions don't need
> structure or controls.
> How do you think a Deaf person might access such descriptions that are
> @hidden but "conforming" in that they do not include "complex"
> content?

I suppose they would just read them, but of course they would be unable to read anything that is @hidden because, well, it is hidden.

Complex or less complex, the current CP is suggesting that the "longer descriptions" be place inside of a construct that would be @hidden, yet still accessible to aria-describedby. With no visual indicator or switch for the sighted user to know that there is a longer textual description (complex or simple), they would probably never even have the opportunity to read it. The only reason why I mention deafness is that at least one implementer is suggesting that the rich or simple longer description would be read aloud using VoiceOver - which is of no use to the user who is deaf. 

There are 2 possible patterns that might emerge here. The first is "inline" like this:

<img src="" aria-describedby="foo1" alt="alt text">

<div id="foo1" hidden>
 <p>Plenty of content here, which may or may not include richer content such as:</p>
   <li><a href="baz.html">Links</a></li>

The other being:

<img src="" aria-describedby="foo2" alt="alt text">

  <a href="longer_description.html" hidden>Longer textual description</a>

I'll pose the question back to you (and the larger list as well) - How do *you* think a Deaf person might access such descriptions that are @hidden but "conforming"?


Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 22:19:28 UTC