Re: CfC: Create Media Task Force

It is my understanding that this task force will also likely address the
adaptive bit rate media requirements being developed in the Media Pipeline
Task Force. If that is the intention, then "Encrypted Media Task Force"
may be too restrictive.


On 4/14/12 5:27 PM, "Silvia Pfeiffer" <> wrote:

>On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 7:59 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
>> On Apr 3, 2012, at 11:58 AM, Paul Cotton wrote:
>>> ** RESOLUTION: The HTML Working Group shall create a Media Task Force
>>>to advise on HTML media-related features. **
>>> If we create this Task Force, any HTML WG member will be free to
>>>participate.  Any interested members of the Web and TV IG must join the
>>>HTML WG first before being permitted to join this TF.  The Chairs of
>>>the HTML WG will appoint facilitators. The Task  Force will operate
>>>according to the principles laid out below:
>>> HTML WG Media Task Force:
>>> 1. Any HTML WG member can join the Media Task Force (opt in model).
>>> 2. Any Web and TV IG [1] member that wants to join the Media TF should
>>>first join the HTML WG (see item 1).
>>> 3. Any member of the Media TF MUST be a member of the HTML WG.
>>> 4. The Media TF will use a separate email list for TF discussions (ie
>>> 5. The Media TF may have a separate weekly meeting slot (day and time
>>> 6. The Media TF will not make final decisions about its scope, work
>>>plan or work products. These decisions will be made by HTML WG.
>>>      Note: The HTML WG might decide at some future point in time to
>>>delegate more responsibility to the Media TF.
>>> 7. Facilitator(s) of the Media TF will be selected by the HTML WG
>>> 8. The Media TF facilitator(s) will report back to the HTML WG on the
>>>work of the TF on a regular basis.
>>> 9. The first task of the Media TF will be to draft its scope and
>>>initial work plan.  This scope will include work on the Encrypted Media
>>>proposal [2] in order produce a candidate first public Working Draft.
>>> If you object to this resolution, please indicate your objection by
>>>Tuesday April 10 2012. If you object, please give a reason.  If there
>>>are no objections by the stated date, this resolution will become a
>>>Working Group Decision by unanimous consent.
>> I have one objection and one suggestion (both with chair hat off):
>> Objection: I object to this task force being named the "HTML WG Media
>>Task Force", as this implies their area of responsibility would be all
>>HTML Media work. I do not believe that is the intent, and I do not think
>>we want to disrupt the media-related work that happens in the HTML WG
>>Accessibility Task Force or in the HTML WG proper. I previously
>>suggested "HTML WG Encrypted Media Task Force" and no one objected to
>>this alternate name. Changing the name would remove my objection.
>I have the same objection. Let's please name the Task Force something
>more appropriate than "Media Task Force" - "Encrypted Media TF" or
>"Media Encryption TF" would be a lot more appropriate.

Received on Sunday, 15 April 2012 05:11:53 UTC