Re: follow up on the discussion in HTML5 about metadata access

On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 14:18 +0000, Thierry MICHEL wrote:
> The MAWG would like to have a better understanding of your concerns. 
> Could you please explain more deeply what are your issues for access to 
> these metadata, and which requirements are not satisfactorily addressed 
> by the MAWG API. Could you provided a few use cases we could study and 
> see how our API fits.

At this time, I have two general concerns and one specific concern.

My general concerns are:
 1) It's not clear to me that the APIs are motivated by strong use
cases. What are the use cases that are considered to justify the
implementation of these APIs? Can those use cases be addressed by other

 2) I'm concerned that designing APIs (or specs in general) for a class
of products (browsers in this case) without the participation of
implementors of products from that class of products leads to designs
that aren't suitable for the class of products.

My specific concern is:
 3) The API spec doesn't seem to cover how the API should behave when
the API is called to request data that is in a file that hasn't been
retrieved from the network yet. (That there is this sort of basic issue
is related to my concern #2.)

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 6 May 2011 11:42:36 UTC