Overview of W3C technologies for mobile Web applications

(bcc to public-html and public-device-apis; please follow-up on


As part of a European research project I'm involved in [1], I've
compiled a report on the existing technologies in development (or in
discussion) at W3C for building Web applications and that are
particularly relevant on mobile devices:

It is meant as a picture of the current state as of today, based on my
own (necessarily limited) knowledge of the specifications and their
current implementations.

I'm very much looking for feedback on the document, the mistakes it most
probably contains, its overall organization, its usefulness.

I can also look into moving it in a place where a larger community could
edit it (dvcs.w3.org, or www.w3.org/wiki/ for instance) if anyone is
interested in contributing.

I'll likely publish regular updates to the document (e.g. every 3
months?), esp. if it helps sufficiently many people to understand our
current ongoing activities in this space.



1. http://mobiwebapp.eu/

Received on Thursday, 24 February 2011 15:04:14 UTC