Re: AuthConfReq: Presentational Markup

Karl Dubost, Sat, 27 Mar 2010 19:50:05 -0400:
> Le 27 mars 2010 à 19:37, Leif Halvard Silli a écrit :
>> <b> is allowed per HTML5. Should it only permit <strong>? 
> Either way, I do not mind. 
> my personal preference: strong is enough.

I thought, in aural media, there would be no <strong> if everything was 
<strong>. <b> has been defined as a "semantic" element in HTML5 - says 
Ian's new conformance text. Though I don't know if saying that "it is 
now semantic" helps e.g. screen reader users though. 
>> I also think that it is possible to transmit, in a screenreader, that 
>> the text is striked over. 
> <strike title="this text is striked for reason x">blabla</strike>

@title apparently isn't nearly not used/seldom presented in aural 
media. But otherwise, <strike title="irony"> seems better than <del 

>>> One size doesn't fit all. Some users need a markup validity check 
>>> feedback, some users are just not tech savy and in this case, the 
>>> system *should* take care of it. Unfortunately for me, here, I used 
>>> should. :)
>> Should the commenter in this case not have been allowed put a strike 
>> over the text?
> Not sure I understand the question. 
> It depends on how you design the language. Is strike permitted in the 
> language?

Yes, the use case is a language were <strike> is permitted. The 
question then is: what advantage would there be in possibly forbidding 
use of <strike>. Or if - and why - there would be an advantage in the 
use of <del> or <span>. If span was used, then aural and text terminal 
users would probably not get any info. 

> 1. If strike element is forbidden/obsolete in the html language.
>    Not allowed
> 2. If strike element is authorized but as the Web site 
> publisher/developer, we think the element is not appropriate in the 
> context of the input form.
>    Not allowed

Having fewer elements can of course be an advantage, but that means 
that more semantics is glued on the same elements.
leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 28 March 2010 00:07:19 UTC