Re: Bug 7034

On 03/26/2010 10:20 AM, Shelley Powers wrote:
>> Apparently, you got some blowback from the CSS-orthodoxy.  We also have an
>> accessibility-orthodoxy, an XML-orthodoxy and possibly quite a few
>> additional orthodoxies to deal with, each of which require that we worship
>> in their various churches.
> I'm hoping that you're being facetious, because what you've done is
> pretty much described a majority  portion of the user base for the
> HTML5 spec -- and Apple's, Mozilla's, Google's, IBM's, Opera's, and
> Microsoft's customers. And in a way that struck me as being
> dismissive.
> You all are enjoying this quite long semi-permathread, and that's
> cool. But when you referring to significant proportions of this
> group's user base as "standardistas", and  seemingly dismiss the
> concerns of large numbers of people in some form of tech elitist
> frenzy, maybe you need to step back and re-establish your perspectives
> a bit.

Orthodoxy is NOT a bad thing.  When I was growing up, the rule was fish 
on Fridays.  I have friends that avoid pork, and ones that avoid all meat.

What we have here is a number of groups here who take the position that 
my rules rock, your rules suck.  This is particularly problematic when 
the rules that are committed to the spec are inconsistent.

I want to take a consistent position.  One where we are inclusive of 
everybody's rules, or at least one where treat each constituency 

I want each set of rules to be captured.  I want each set of rules to be 
strongly encouraged.  Where I draw the line is that I don't want people 
to be able to say that is incorrectly using the text/html 
mime type simply because they don't escape their ampersands.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Friday, 26 March 2010 15:53:48 UTC