Re: Proposal: Canvas accessibility and a media querries approach for alternative content (Action Item 6 in the HTML Accessibility Task Force)

Agreed. Fallback would assume it is rendered without the need of things 
like CSS. That is not the case. 

Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist

Steven Faulkner <> 
Sent by:
01/21/2010 07:22 AM

Ian Hickson <>
cc, HTML WG <>
Re: Proposal: Canvas accessibility and a media querries approach for 
alternative content (Action Item 6 in the HTML Accessibility Task Force)

Hi Ian,
in light of the discussion on the canvas subdom, i don't think the
spec, especially use of the term "fallback" accurately reflects the
use the subdom can be put to.

can you change it so it no longer usese this term or defines when the
content of the subdom can be considered 'fallback' and when it isn't

if not I will file a bug.


Received on Friday, 22 January 2010 22:36:59 UTC