Re: role=presentation must not be applied to focusable elements

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Steve Faulkner
<> wrote:
> While I don't agree this it is desirable behaviour to allow form
> controls to have their role removed while still being focusable and
> able to be interacted with, (another example: checkbox still exposes
> the checked state) if other implementors feel likewise, then it would
> suggest that the ARIA spec and implementaion guide will need to change
> at some point to allow role="presentation" to overide native roles on
> form controls.

There are two questions here:

   1. Should setting putatively focusable elements to be
presentational be conforming.
   2. If role="presentation" /is/ set on a putatively focusable
element, what should the UA do?

It could be non-conforming but honoured.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2010 16:02:25 UTC