Re: The History of <aside> for sidebars (was: Re: HTML5 feedback from prominent designers)

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Lachlan Hunt<> wrote:
> Look at most blogs and you'll see better examples of sidebars.  They often
> contain things like blogrolls and archive links, search forms, latest
> twitter status, etc. which would be inappropriate for a header.

If you think search forms, latest twitter status, etc. aren't
appropriate in a header, you've got another think coming.  ^_^
<header> as a structural page element doesn't really mean *anything*
except "stuff that goes on the top" along with a decent assurance
you'll find the site heading there.

Blogrolls and archive links are often on the sidebar, true, but I
think that's mostly a pure style issue - they are usually tall and
display well with a constrained width, which makes them fit much
better in a sidebar than a header.

In my company's site, the part that would go in <header> contains the
title, a main nav, a secondary nav, a language selector, a chat
widget, and a link to our PCI certification.  Trying to put *any*
constraints on header content is a waste of time.


Received on Friday, 4 September 2009 14:27:26 UTC