RE: HTML WG Testing Task Force

In response to 

If you have interest in helping create a test suite that helps improve the HTML5 specification and implementation.
Please respond to this thread --

Below is an initial list of potential areas of focus that volunteers can make contributions to the test suite as members of the testing task force.

1.) Creation of an Informal Charter 
The deliverable will be the creation of a document that is created and approved by the HTML WG chairs that sets the goals and expectations for the testing task force.

2.) Test Suite Organization
The idea here is to enumerate and map out a plan for how the test suite appears on the w3c site and how the test suite supports the HTML5 specification.

3.) Test Case Methodology and Application
With the wide range of features in the HTML5 specification, having a consistent manner to test 'similar' features of the specification should produce a higher quality test suite.

4.) Test Case Submission, Review, Updates, Publishing, Versioning
The goal is to have a clear plan and process in place for helping get tests created by a volunteer to the official test suite.

5.) Leveraging/Research of existing HTML5 Tests
Undoubtedly various browser vendors and independent individuals have potential test collator that could be leveraged by the test suite.

Moving forward please look for posts for each item above to help facilitate discussions and move the test suite forward.


Received on Sunday, 18 October 2009 09:48:29 UTC