thanks everyone for an excellent f2f meeting at tpac09

I wanted to thank everyone in the HTML WG that participated in the
face to face meeting last week at the Technical Plenary for two days
of what I thought were very productive and civil discussions, despite
having a sizable number of people with wide variety of

I especially want to thank the group chairs, Maciej, Paul, Sam, and
our W3C team contact Mike Smith for their excellent facilitating of
the meetings themselves, and everyone else that helped out with
scribing minutes, all of which strongly helped shape two days of
healthy interactions.

Thanks also to Ian Hickson and Google for sponsoring the W3C TPAC09
attendance fees for independent invited experts (including myself)
which I think greatly helped encourage more diverse participation.

It was wonderful meeting or re-meeting most of you in person and
getting a better understanding of each others viewpoints/concerns on
issues from minor to controversial.  I'm optimistic that the shared
understandings we have all gained in person will help follow-up
discussions on the list/wiki/irc.




Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 02:04:03 UTC