RE: [whatwg] <time>

Andy Mabbett wrote:

        The issue of non-Gregorian (chiefly Julian) dates is a vexing
        one; and has already caused problems on Wikipedia. So far as I
        am aware, there is no ISO-, RFC- or similar standard for such
        dates, other than converting them to Gregorian dates. It is not
        the job of the HTML5 working group to solve this problem; but I
        think the group should recognise that at some point a solution
        must be forthcoming. One way [...]
I would tend to agree (modulo caveats of individual indecisevness). The first two double-u's in WWW would tend to argue that such a solution should at some point in time be forthcoming. Yeah, it is a topic encrusted with layers of unnamed organic compounds (some mutagenic). But if not HTML5, then put it on the stack of things to ask someone else to do: as Andy argued: "merely allowing space for others (such as ISO) to do so." To my way of thinking this would mean attempting to build in some extensibility such that HTMLn (for n>4) could pick up that module, if and when it is developed. Is there not a specification yet for Modular Specification Development? Should there be? (Imagine what fun design principles for such a WG would be!)
perennially on-topic

Received on Thursday, 12 March 2009 22:30:30 UTC