- Authoring guides
- Video, Audio, and Media in HTML 5
- Making Web Pages with HTML
- crash course / intro / primer
- start with a plain text file...
newsletter? web browser makes one big para
- tag paragraphs:
<p>...</p>, <br />
- <title> - search
- phrase markup: em, ...
- links and images
- internal
- external
- <img> (more later...)
- footnote: base/@href
- headings, <hr />
- lists
- <blockquote>
- Structured Markup
- elements and attributes, DOM trees
- style
- @id
- @class
- @style
- <div>, <span>
- <style> (for more detail, see...)
- <html>, <head>,
<body>, <link>
- <address> (why not last
- <nav>, <section>,
<article>, <aside>, <header>,
- <!DOCTYPE> ... example of quirks
- international: <bdo>, <ruby>, <rt>,
<rp>, @lang, @dir
- footnote: <meta charset>: cite charset
detection doc
- media-independence: <b>, <i>, <sub>, <sup>,
- images, media: <img ... />
- @alt
- <canvas> (for more detail, see...)
- imagemaps
- video, audio (for more detail, see...)
- <figure>,
- forms (for more detail, see...)
- basic scripting, e.g. puzzle game (for more detail, see...)
- Advanced text markup
- ascii art
- code sample
- computer
terminal interaction
- tables
- <dialog>
- edits: <ins>, <del>
- <mark>
- <iframe>
- URL mapping
- charset detection