Re: HTML is a declarative mark-up language

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

>   <a id="mytable"></a>
>   <table><tr><td>
>     This is an important table that people should link to
>   </td></tr></table>
> both because authors copy/paste from existing HTML (which is informed by 
> the HTML 3.2 legacy of not being able to link to IDs) and because the 
> spec gives <a> a privileged status as an anchor destination that 
> obscures the fact that any element can be an anchor destination if 
> that's what you're really meaning to link to.

There is another reason : Dreamweaver, in its infinite
wisdom, does not allow <A NAME="..."> ... </A> to be
wrapped around existing content; it inserts it as if
<A> were not a container in this context at all, just
before any text highlit at the time of insertion :-(

True as of DW 8.0.2; no idea if things have improved since then.


Received on Friday, 30 January 2009 21:41:41 UTC