Re: ISSUE-76: Need feedback on splitting Microdata into separate specification

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 11:13 AM, Shelley Powers wrote:
>> That's fair.
>> I just would really like to see some argument about Microdata that
>> wasn't related to RDFa. I would like to actually see some evidence of
>> healthy community support for it, like we see with RDFa and
>> Microformats.
>> If the only reason it exists is because folks don't like RDFa, I think
>> the important point to remember is that the existence, or not, of
>> Microdata will not generally influence what happens with RDFa.
> It looks to me like Tab's Change Proposal to keep Microdata has six major
> points in the Rationale section, only one of which cites RDFa. It is fair
> game, of course, to question the strength of that point or of any of the
> five other points.

OK dokee, if people only want to talk about microdata in the context
of RDFa, I won't protest. I think it really undermines the credibility
of Microdata, but that's just one's person's opinion.

> (For comparison, Manu's Change Proposal to split Microdata has seven points,
> six of which cite RDFa.)

Yup, you're right.

> Regards,
> Maciej


Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 19:45:50 UTC