Re: The cite and pubdate attributes

<h2><a href="blah" rel="bookmark">Accessibility of HTML5 video</a></h2>
<p>Brilliantly witty, incisive prose, in a gloriously elegiac style
reminiscent of <cite>Cider With Rosie</cite>, which I read on <time
datetime="1989-07-01">July 1st, 1989</time>.</p>
<time datetime="2009-07-30">Thursday 30 July 2009</time>

> Both those examples include two instances of the <time> element, but
> in each case it should be possible to distinguish the publication date
> (2009-07-30) from the other date mentioned (1989-07-01) because only
> the publication date was contained by a <header> or <footer>.

Too fragile.

<h1>My Brother's Wedding:
    <time datetime="2008-07-04">4th of July 2008</time></h1>
<p>Pictures of the bridal party and the reception fireworks</p>


Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 07:20:29 UTC