Re: Selectors, getElementsByTagName() and camelCase SVG

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> How about we change getElementsByClassName() to do this:

I assume you meant getElementsByTagName

>   1. Let asciilowercasetoken be the result of lowercasing token.
>   2. Iterate through the DOM and return elements which:
>      a. Have the HTML namespace and whose localName is identical
>         to asciilowercasetoken.
>      b. localName is identical to token.
> This would work well for Selectors too I think. You would never match 
> createElementNS(HTML namespace,"IMG"), but that element does not have 
> actual <img> semantics anyway and is something people would never do.

This is basically my proposal #2, and is the minimal change to what 
Gecko and Webkit currently do to give sane behavior for camelCase SVG in 

This would, in fact, be my top choice for how this should all work.


Received on Friday, 3 April 2009 13:30:34 UTC