Re: function and impacts (was: @scope and @headers reform)

Hi James,
> It is my understanding that @headers, while valuable, is almost never 
> used. Like the long-term longdesc testing, has there been any attempt to 
> determine where and how often @headers is used?

While I don't have figures etc at my disposal to indicate use I can, at 
least, say that @headers/id certainly are used for the creation of 
accessible data tables and are a method I would recommend to my clients 
when I audit their websites.

> In most cases where @headers is necessary, the author would do better to 
> change the information architecture of the table into a more 
> understandable form, instead of "accessifying" an already overly complex 
> table grid. 

How many clients are going to alter their data to fit into accessibility 
requirements, if they are not well disposed towards good 
design/accessibility in the first place? I would suggest it is better to 
have a semantic toolkit that they can use as they need to, rather than 
trying to get authors to rethink their information architecture, though 
that in itself would also be a good thing.



Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2008 07:20:42 UTC