ISSUE-44 (DFN/ABBR Cross-Referencing): Definitions and Abbreviations Cross-Referencing [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-44 (DFN/ABBR Cross-Referencing): Definitions and Abbreviations Cross-Referencing [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Gregory Rosmaita
On product: HTML 5 spec

Definitions and Abbreviations cross-referencing. Provide a more complete and compact markup syntax for associating definitions, terms, variables, proper names and abbreviated forms. Also promote greater user enhancements within UA implementations for such semantics by automatically generating document subject and name indexes, glossaries and interactive UI for these semantics. 

for more detailed discussion, please consult the wiki page at: 

(issue raised on behalf of Robert J. Burns) 

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2008 18:33:42 UTC