Failing To Understand The Creating An Outline Section


I've been trying to implement the creating an outline algorithm, but  
have ended up getting confused. What do we end up with? Do we end up  
with the outline associated with the current outlinee?

It seems the sections and outlines we create need to be persistent  
even when "current section" and "current outlinee" don't refer to the  
elements which created the sections/outlines, but at the same time  
they need to be attached to those elements.

"Append the outline of the sectioning content element being exited to  
the current section." — not append it to the outline of the current  

Having a substep called "Loop" is nothing but confusing: I spent at  
least five minutes trying to work out how the hell we were meant to  
implement that substep as a loop.

The word "rank" was xref'd in the old version of the algorithm, but it  
isn't any more. Can it be again?

If we're meant to use it for building TOCs, what are we meant to do  
for a section with no heading in the TOC? Insert black voodoo?

Oh, and why are most of the substeps not numbered but some are?

Geoffrey Sneddon

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 21:59:50 UTC