Re: <canvas> JPEG quality

Ian Hickson wrote:
> The extensibility mechanism is for the spec, not the implementors. :-)

That just sidesteps the issue, since implementors are expected to 
implement before the spec if finalized, and hence would be likely to 
ship implementations that they would then have to change...  The result 
is not unlikely to be that the earlier release throws on input that the 
later release accepts.

>  and the other is to discuss
> experiments on one of the HTML5 mailing lists, so that all the other 
> vendors (and myself) are aware of what is going on, and can compare notes. 
> Either would be fine. (The latter is what Opera is doing with image/jpeg.)

How does that help the situation with not following the letter of the 
spec, though?


Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2008 23:51:27 UTC