Re: Acessibility of <audio> and <video>

At 16:29  -0400 25/08/08, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>James Graham wrote:
>>You mean something like

No, you're missing something.  You're assuming that the only 
pluggability is with <object>.  Nothing about the spec. stops 
browsers from
a) implementing their own plug-in model for video and audio source
b) looking for optional platforms such as VLC, MPEG4FF, QuickTime, and so on
c) asking one or more of those platforms, dynamically, what they can support

<objects> have varying DOM interface, UI behavior, and so on.  We're 
trying really hard to unify the support for multimedia here.
David Singer

Received on Monday, 25 August 2008 21:20:20 UTC