Re: Images and alternative text

Smylers 2008-08-10 14.22:

> James Graham writes:

>> [...] I suggest that instead of hacking a microsyntax into 
>> alt we add a boolean attribute to image called
>> no-text-equivalent [...]

> Such an attribute is what Ian first suggested [...]

>> The name of the attribute is very long. [...]

> I think nobody being able to come up with a good name which conveys what
> this attribute means is the major cause of its downfall. [...]

For authors, a boolean positively stating that @alt contains tags 
or keywords would be simpler than one which claims something about 
whether textual equivalents exists. Thus, how about an attribute


Sample:	<img src=src alt="{photo}" tagged >

This would take away the problem of possible collisions with e.g. 
{TeX} syntax. (It should also permit the *requirement* of the {} 
syntax to be dropped entirely.)

Eventually, when @alt is not used for keywords, then @tagged could 
be permitted to carry keywords. Thus <img> could both have proper 
@alt text as well as tags. Like this:

	<img src=src alt="Red house." tagged="photo" >

Of course, I see the possibility of *always* keeping the keywords 
in the tagged="" attribute, and to permit @alt to be dropped 
provided tagged="" were used (see example below). But, I assume 
this would have severe compatibility issues.

	<img src=src tagged="photo" >
leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 10 August 2008 21:41:55 UTC