Re: Deciding in public (Was: SVGWG SVG-in-HTML proposal)

[Regarding trackback's use of RDF-in-comments, contrasting with
pingback's use of link@rel]

>>> Could you clarify what extension points you're talking about? Class?
>> Offhand, @class, @rel, @id, <div>, <span>, <meta>, @data-* all come
>> to mind. I suppose @role counts, though why you'd use @role instead
>> of @class eludes me.
> To put in RDF statements?

No, to include a trackback link in an HTML document. All you need is
@rel for this case.

> rel could work for this particular case (it would work better if there
> was a registry mechanism).

There is one, in Section Other link types:

> div/span: don't see where there's extensibility in them.

Lacking semantics of their own, <div> and <span> are handy to when other
elements' semantics would conflict with whichever semantics you're
adding to things. For instance, prior to the introduction of <article>,
authors could have used <div> (as in <div class="article">) for marking
up articles.

> That being said, it [@data-*] has the same problem as most of the
> other things you mentioned, the lack of a disambiguation mechanism.

So far as I've seen, the lack of a disambiguation mechanism isn't a
problem in practice. <div class="vcard"> means what it obviously means,
regardless of the presence or contents of head@profile.

Received on Friday, 1 August 2008 18:57:13 UTC