Re[2]: Textarea and rendering of its marked-up value

f> Dmitry, this is off-topic for this list.


New button <input type="render"> is certainly deal of HTML WG !?

DT>> (1) Now we send 'textarea' to server to save in some database.

DT>> But today databases without markup don't satisfy people's needs.

DT>> So, if we allow to type marked-up text in 'textarea'

DT>> (and we, of course, are allowing that),

DT>> we also must not torment user,

DT>> but give possibility to see rendered image,

DT>> that he can verify visually, what he typed.

DT>> Several 'textarea's can be in form

DT>> (each with own master html-element),

DT>> but only one button 'render'.

DT>> <div id="id1">New content will be put here</div>

DT>> ...

DT>> <form>

DT>>   <input type="textarea"  name="A"

DT>>          value="..."

DT>>          mime="text/html" arg="..."

DT>>          master="id1">

DT>>   <input type="clear">

DT>>   <input type="render">

DT>>   <input type="submit">

DT>> </form>

DT>> When user press button 'render', browser:

DT>> (I)  calls local application, serving this MIME-type,

DT>>      and give meaning of @value and @arg to it

DT>>      (usage of @arg depends of MIME-type)

DT>> (II) replace whole master html-element

DT>>      (with all embedded, enclosed sub-elements)

DT>>      by image, created by called application.

DT>> Element <form> uses encoding, specified in @enctype,

DT>> to send meaning of control 'A' to server.

DT>> (1.1) If @mime is omited, than it's equal to "text/html" by default

DT>> (@arg specified css-file in this case;

DT>> css-file, defined in <link> for whole document,

DT>> doesn't affect at new rendered image).

DT>> If @mime="text/html" (or omited) and @arg is omited,

DT>> than default style is used

DT>> (instead of css-file, defined in <link> for whole document).

DT>> I'm sure, "text/html" will be the most widespread MIME-type

DT>> in all full-text databases, not only in new wiki.

DT>> <div id="id1">New content will be put here</div>

DT>> ...

DT>> <form>

DT>>   <input type="textarea"   name="A"

DT>>          value="<em>aaa</em> bbb <table>ccc<tr>ddd</table>"

DT>>                            arg="./style.css"

DT>>          master="id1">

DT>>   <input type="clear">

DT>>   <input type="render">

DT>>   <input type="submit">

DT>> </form>

DT>> After pressing button 'render', it will __looks__ on display like

DT>> <em>aaa</em> bbb <table>ccc<tr>ddd</table>

DT>> ...

DT>> <form>

DT>>   <input type="textarea"   name="A"

DT>>          value="aaa <em>bbb</em> <table>ccc<tr>ddd</table>"

DT>>                            arg="./style.css"

DT>>          master="id1">

DT>>   <input type="clear">

DT>>   <input type="render">

DT>>   <input type="submit">

DT>> </form>

DT>> I'm sure, that even traditional html-tags will be enough -

DT>> so we can allow button 'render' just now !

DT>> ==============================

DT>> (2) Can meaning of @value contain sign " (e.g. look at example below) !?

DT>> <form>

DT>>   <input type="textarea"   name="A"

DT>>          value="<tag attr="val">aaa</tag> <tg atr="v">bbb</tg>"

DT>>          master="id1">

DT>>   ...

DT>> </form>

DT>> There are two ways:

DT>> (2.1) No, @value contain only sign < and sign > , i.e. contain only tags -

DT>> but __arbitrary__ tags, representation of which is specified in css-file,

DT>> something like

DT>> tag {

DT>>   kind: table

DT>> }

DT>> (2.2) Yes, but mark " should be twin:

DT>> opening double inverted comma below base-line,

DT>> and closing double inverted comma above base-line (i.e. ").



DT>> This will be like below (i designated opening double inverted comma by dot)

DT>> <form>

DT>>   <input type=.textarea"   name=.A"

DT>>          value=.<tag attr=.val">aaa</tag> <tg atr=.v">bbb</tg>"

DT>>          master=.id1">

DT>>   ...

DT>> </form>

DT>> There is branching too:

DT>> (2.2.1) We admit opening double inverted comma

DT>> only in Unicode encoding of document

DT>> (2.2.2) We allow to use some sign from

DT>> standard ANSI, ISO, Windows, etc encodings

DT>> as opening double inverted comma.

DT>> For example, sign dot (literally as in example above) -

DT>> combination =. will signalize about special role of dot

DT>> (2.2.3) We allow both (2.2.1) and (2.2.2)

DT>> P.S.

DT>> I vote for opening double (and single) inverted comma

DT>> independently of decision for (2.2.2),

DT>> because this is non-single case, when quotation inside quotation is necessary:

DT>> meaning of some other controls can be intended for database as request,

DT>> and this request can contain quotated string, something like

DT>> <input _ _ _ where x=.string" ">

Dmitry Turin

HTML6     (6.4.1)

SQL4      (4.3.0)

Unicode2  (2.1.0)

Computer2 (2.0.3)

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2007 04:35:01 UTC