<video> stop() and poster="" (was: Re: Detailed review of 3.14.9. Media elements)

On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 01:06:43 +0200, Ian Hickson <ian@hixie.ch> wrote:

>> Test case: open xmms/winamp/amarok/gmplayer/totem or some other media
>> player and try the pause/stop buttons. I think you agree, it's obvious
>> tons of online media player GUIs which will use the API defined by this
>> spec will implement the stop() method. For that matter, they'll most
>> likely implement their own half-working "playing" DOM property.
> But what's the use of the stop() method? What does it do that's useful?
> Just because media players do it doesn't mean it's useful.

It might be a good idea to revive stop() if, in existing media players,  
the poster="" frame is shown again when the user "stops" the video, but  
not when the user pauses and seeks to the beginning. I would suggest that  
the spec should not require authors to jump through hoops in order to  
emulate existing practice (e.g. add and remove the poster="" attribute  
back and forth to make their homegrown stop() DTRT).

When does e.g. QuickTime and other media players show the poster frame?

Additionally, the current spec says:

    The poster attribute gives the address of an image file that the user
    agent can show while no video data is available.

I would imagine that users expect the poster frame to be shown even when  
there is video data available. Otherwise the poster frame would be pretty  
useless when the first frame in the video is black.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 27 October 2007 18:26:29 UTC