Re: Correspondence across multiple lists

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Philip Taylor (Webmaster) wrote:
> If those responding to your message(s) follow your wishes, how are the 
> rest of us (most of whom subscribe to only one of the two lists) 
> supposed to follow the exchange of views ?  And why do you both believe 
> that it is OK for you to post messages to both lists, yet expect answers 
> to go to only one ?  Why not declare the WHATWG list defunct, and 
> continue all discussion on the W3C Public-HTML list, thereby avoiding 
> this problem completely ?

I can't speak for Anne, but in my case I only ever cross-post if I'm 
replying to a bunch of e-mails, some of which were sent to one list and 
some to the other list (occasionally, even more lists might get cross- 
posted to as well). I'm trying to make sure that everyone involved in the 
discussions sees the conclusions I came to.

I would prefer for new issues to be sent to one or the other and not 
cross-posted, and I would prefer for replies to be sent to just one list, 
in both cases because it can get really annoying for members of all the 
lists involved, since lists tend to bounce traffic from non-subscribers, 
and people get different halves of the threads. For example, your e-mail 
didn't get through to the WHATWG list, but if I replied to that list, it 
would, and so people on the list would get very confused.

I don't have any preference for the lists one way or another. I have no 
intention of closing the WHATWG list, though, since there are hundreds of 
people subscribed to that list who (for whatever reason) do not want to, 
or are not able to, subscribe to the public-html list.

By the way, closing the WHATWG list would not cause all discussion to 
happen on the public-html list -- there is discussion happening all over 
the place, in blogs, on many mailing lists, in bug systems, on IRC, in 
forums, in wikis, etc. I try to track and reply to all this feedback.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:18:40 UTC