Re: 'HTML 5' and some poem markup?

On Oct 5, 2007, at 16:37, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann wrote:

> What I missed so many years in (X)HTML is
> some useful markup for poems.

There's <p> for each stanza and <br> for separating lines.

> The result we can see in the 'real web life' -
> a lot of meaningless tag soup around,
> disoriented authors lost between silence
> and semantically meaningless markup...

Are there use case where software that consumes markup would benefit  
from poem-specific semantics?

> (why not a generic heading
> element as h from XHTML2 by the way?

<h> would not be backwards-compatible and you'd have to define  
interaction with the <h1> through <h6>. HTML5 specifies <h1> in such  
a way that can used the way <h> can be used in XHTML2.

> (a lot of readers of poetry are
> robots from search engine for example ;o)

How would they be helped by poem-specific semantics?

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 5 October 2007 14:47:55 UTC