Re: Versioning and html[5] : application/xhtml+xml

Alan Dean schrieb:
> Chris,
> Re:
> I can understand why the IE team is loath to take actions that 'break
> the web' in terms of backwards compatibility, quirks mode, etc.
> My question is this:
> 1) IE7 will not render an xhtml document presented as 
> application/xhtml+xml.
> 2) There is, therefore, nothing to break (it already doesn't work).
> 3) Given 1 and 2 above, is it feasible to support a 'clean' html[5]
> when presented as application/xhtml+xml and preserve backwards
> compatibility when presented with text/html?

Roughly the same question can be (and was) asked for <!DOCTYPE html>. 
(It is supported by IE7, but not used in today's documents.) Ideally, I 
want IE to have one decent rendering mode for HTML5 and above, 
regardless of the mime type. If Microsoft supports such a mode before 
the significant bugs are fixed and without an opt-in, it'll be just 
another quirks mode and we need yet another doctype or mime-type switch.


Received on Friday, 4 May 2007 09:10:08 UTC