Re: Rethinking HTML 5 (Was: Re: Semicolon after entities)

Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

> How will the browsers know how to support bad practice? The purpose of 
> putting it in the spec is so that all browsers support invalid HTML 
> consistently.

/That/ has little or nothing to do with defining HTML5, which
is what I believe to be the remit of this group.  By all means
let there be a working group to define how browsers should behave
when faced with invalid HTML 4.01- (a.k.a. tag soup), but do not
let their work interfere with the task in hand, which is to define
what the next iteration of HTML should be, and how browsers should
behave when presented with a /valid/ instance of it (and, perhaps,
how to fail gracefully when presented with something that claims to
be [valid] HTML5 but is not).

Philip Taylor

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:49:55 UTC