Re: Brainstorming - abbreviations

>We have, e.g., <em> and <strong> and the differences between the two seem
>less clear than the difference between <acronym> and <abbr>.  That is,
>there is a clear time to use an acronym and an abbr according to a
>particular definition, while the line between emphasis and strong is very

The em/strong/b/i situation is certainly worthy of its own thread;  I'll give dollars to doughnuts there are some strong thoughts on the issue, but the point is well taken.

>> I don't find the difference between abbreviations and acronym important
>>  enough to maintain it in a technical standard as HTML. Thus, I suggest
>>  both be replaced with a single element:
>>    <short>
>That's a fine idea.  Basically, what you've done is thrown out both
>specific meanings in favor of an equally easy to type element.

I can get behind this logic, except that I don't see a reason to create a new element: abbreviated & short are nearly synonymous. Why not just say <abbr> is for any abbreviated form?

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2007 23:24:59 UTC