Re: fear of "invisible metadata"

On Jun 22, 2007, at 8:41 PM, Ben Boyle wrote:

> Great summary Rob :)


> I agree with all that, and I'm still after something extra!
> Specifically, I would like to see a way that captions/descriptions can
> be associated with media and can be associated with both the embedded
> AND fallback content (not one or the other).
> workshop/sessionone/assistive-technology.html#image-michele
> This image has @alt, and a caption. The caption is for "everyone" and
> provides more content around the image.
> Let's assume we're living in the HTML5 world, using <figure> for  
> this content:
> <figure id="image-michele" class="cut-in">
> <img alt="Michele Barry speaking at the conference"
> src="../../images/accessible.jpg"/>
> <legend>Translators and big screens assisted the translation of
> presentations. Here Michele Barry from LifeTec speaks during the
> community panel</legend>
> </figure>
> Looks fantastic on the surface right? Here comes my issue with the  
> HTML5 spec:
> The entire figure element (including the caption, if any) must be
> treated as being a single paragraph with that inline-level content as
> its content. [1]
> This is instructing a screen reader to:
> 1. read the text from img@alt (great, I completely agree with this)
> 2. suppress and ignore everything else in the <figure>, including  
> <legend>
> I don't want the <legend> ignored. And I don't understand why anyone
> would *ever* want the <legend> ignored. Anyone know the reasons for
> suppressing legend when fallback content kicks in?
> [1] 
> rev=1.78#figure

I'm having trouble reading the draft in this way. I would agree with  
you 100% that the aural browser should have access to the caption/ 
legend and the alt. However, I can't tell where in the draft you see  
the opposite.

Take care,

Received on Saturday, 23 June 2007 04:38:21 UTC