<formdata sa= >

Parts #1.1 and #2 are the basic.

(1)Service information, stored in database.
  It would be comfortable for more receivers (like databases),
that browser sends not only applied data, but also service information as XML.

(1.1) Coordinate attributes
<formdata sa="asker.org"       su="username1"
          ra="destination.com" ru="username2" rs="car-seller">

  Attributes about sender is necessary to answer dependently of sender
(e.g. 'sender username' is to react for present user),
attritures about receiver is necessary, when one receiever serves several destinations
(e.g. 'receiver username' is the same, as in "/~username").
  Yes, browser should send username.
  Meaning of abbreviations:
'sa' (sender address)
'su' (sender username)
'ra' (receiver address)
'ru' (receiver username)
'rs' (receiver service)

(1.2)Another attributes, common for client and server: User-Agent
<formdata g="UAname/ServerName">

(2)Service attributes, reserved for future.
  Now we specify service on server as filename, i.e. so "folder/folder/filename.cgi".
Let each user supplies separate set of services, specified by phrase
(in opposite to services, specified in TCP/UDP-ports by numbers).
I suppose, that correlation between 'rs' and "folder/folder/filename.cgi"
will be specified in special textual file in user directory,
e.g. in file |services.txt| in /usr/~username2 or /ProgramFiles.

(3)Momentary service information (not stored in database).

(3.1)Attributes, specific for client
  It's necessary bring Accept-Language and Accept-Charset to form
with only one value per attribute (1-st normal form in theory of database).
It's impossible to put them into <formdata>
(because server will decide, that they are applied data),
therefore they should be in other XML-element, e.g. in <service>.
  Another attribute is 'If-Modified-Since'.

<sevice ims= >
   <lang name="french"> ... </lang>
   <lang name="russian>

There are two variant of placing:
  <sevice> ... </sevice>
  <formdata> ... </formdata>
   <formdata> ... </formdata>
First variant is preferably, because two root elements easy separated into
stored in database ( <formdata> )
and existing only in communication channel ( <service> ).

(3.2)Attributes, specific for server
  It will be possible to speak about that,
only when server will sends papers inside XML-tags
instead of HTTP-text.
  <service l= c= m= >
'l' (content language)
'c' (content-transfer-encoding)
'm' (last modified)

Maybe this is first step to displace HTTP (and to use XML instead of it).

Dmitry Turin
HTML6     (6.1.0)  http://html60.chat.ru
SQL4      (4.1.0)  http://sql40.chat.ru
Computer2 (2.0.2)  http://computer20.chat.ru

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 13:31:00 UTC