Re: handling fallback content for still images

On Jul 9, 2007, at 8:00 AM, scott lewis wrote:

> On 9 Jul 2007, at 0625, Robert Burns wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> [..]
>> I'm not sure exactly how you're accomplishing this, but the fact  
>> that you say Firefox refuses to process, this tells me you must  
>> have discovered something interesting. I think I asked this  
>> before, but are you performing a file-by-file MIME type setting on  
>> your server? Otherwise how else are you altering your filename  
>> extensions and still serving the same MIME type (or I guess this  
>> could be accomplished incrementally one test at a time). Anyway,  
>> my guess is (and this I think is an interesting discovery if its  
>> true) that IE is ignoring the server MIME type and using the  
>> filename extension instead. Firefox too may be doing something  
>> like that which would cause it to fail (because it doesn't match  
>> its preconceived notions of what a filename extension an XML file  
>> should have).
>> I'm curious to hear some more details.
> Nothing more exotic than Lighttpd running locally with a fixed  
> mimetype of application/xhtml+xml for .html and .xml.
> IE and Firefox seem to be dispatching the file based on the  
> extension. IE displays a standard 'I won't render XML documents'  
> message when the file ends in .xml. FF displays a "Save To Disk/ 
> Open With..." dialog (identifying the document type as "HyperText")  
> if the file ends in .html.

Well, that is a bit exotic in that you're using a server locally (not  
extremely exotic, but a little). Perhaps I'll see if I can reproduce  
that on my machine using Apache locally. And then see fi I can  
reproduce it over the wire. I'm just wondering whether its a bug in  
Lighttpd. Are you  sure, its being delivered as XML even with the  
changed extension (I guess with the FireFox thing there has to be  
something weird going on there).

Take care,

Received on Monday, 9 July 2007 13:24:04 UTC