Re: handling fallback content for still images

At 12:58 +0200 UTC, on 2007-07-03, Thomas Broyer wrote:

> 2007/7/3, Sander Tekelenburg:
>> An attempt at finding a possible solution:
>> <>.
> Another one:
> Using IE conditional comments.

That's clever. Added it to <>

Note that Safari (2.0.4(419.3)) doesn't present any fallback in this case. A
bug, I presume?

> Major con: fallback in IE is only the img/@alt, so that's not much
> better than using <img> in the first place...

Well, your suggestion at least does allow authors to provide users of modern
browsers with a better experience.

Still, I think both conditional comment approaches are too hard for authors.
Especially if we mean to entice them to use <picture> instead of <img>.
Robert Burns' approach is the only one that seems reasonable to me to expect
from authors. Provided no <param> is needed, the spec's object definition
becomes author-friendly, and IE is fixed. {Ahem} :)

Sander Tekelenburg
The Web Repair Initiative: <>

Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2007 14:14:56 UTC