Re: DI element [Re: html 5 and accessibility issue]

>> The problem is not about parsing, it's about support of
>> non-html5-aware browsers: you'll have to support *both* DLs with DIs
>> (be they "implied" or not at parsing) and DLs without in your scripts
>> *and* stylesheets.
and why not just implement a mix of for and headers attribut on dd for 
something like :

<dt id="term1">term 1</dt>
<dt id="term2">term 2</dt>
<dd for="term1 term 2">description<dd>

it's basically the same mechanism as the headers attribut but i think 
the name "for" for the attribute is more appropriate since the dt is not 
headers (or maybe we can just name it terms <dd terms="x y z">....)


Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2007 14:41:07 UTC