Re: accessibility of video element

At 23:21  +0200 2/07/07, aurélien levy wrote:
>Is anybody have ideas about this issue :
>- Actualy i see no way to have synchronized 
>caption and audiodescription on video element 
>(except from directly embed caption or 
>audiodescription in the video itself) or is the 
>media + source element here to achieve things 
>like that ? why did not you take the SMIL audio 
>and text element ?

The model is that the content itself either has 
some kind of accessibility "burned in" (e.g. 
burned-in captions), or can adapt itself to an 
accessibility need.  That's it.  I think it would 
be a mistake for HTML to try to get into the 
realm of media layup languages, file formats, 
synchronization requirements, and so on.  These 
are properly the domain of SMIL and media systems.

So yes, the media source is supposed to take care 
of this.  One could reasonably embed a SMIL file 
as the target of a video element, for example.

Makes sense?
David Singer

Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2007 07:53:14 UTC