Re: html 5 and accessibility issue

>> it's not at all, in your case, the visual rendering is the same but 
>> the semantic is different, in my case the visual rendering is the 
>> same and still have the same semantic (in the case of using di 
>> element or a for attribut mechanism)
> I wasn't aware that you suddenly changed your original example to 
> include some non backwards compatible construct. My apologies.
my example was just here to show that i can need a di or for mechanism 
in response of your demand after the original message :
"- dt/dd need a reel relationship like the for attribut on label mechanism "

The html 5semantic definition of the dl element is non backwards 
compatible with the current definition of dl element since the html 4 
didn't say if the dt must be before or after the dd element (or i miss it)

Received on Sunday, 1 July 2007 10:41:19 UTC