Re: VisibleMetadata

Murray Maloney wrote:
> [[
> VisibleMetadata: Metadata is more effective when it is directly tied 
> to user-visible deta. Invisible metadata is often incorrect, out of 
> date, or intentionally deceptive. For example, <a> is more trustworthy 
> as a cross-reference than <link>. User-visible tags are more 
> trustworthy than <meta> kewords.
> ]]
> The first two statements are assertions that are true when they are 
> true and not when they are not.
> Thus, I do not agree with these statements as a premise for a design 
> principle.
> I cannot agree with the example at all. I have used <link> to great 
> effect and have depended on it.
> Also, <meta> has its place.
> That's not to say that I don't feel some sympathy for what you are 
> trying to say here,
> it's just that I can't agree with this design principle as written.
I strongly agree with Murray on this. There are many reasons for visible 
metadata.  One such reason is an open-source project that I am working 
on called whose goal is to provide tangible and visible 
benefit for invisible metadata.  Without the ability to add invisible 
metadata, we will hobble an entire class of web improvements.

-Mike Schinkel -
"It never ceases to amaze how many people will proactively debate away attempts to improve the web..."

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2007 05:32:27 UTC